One of the first things I did when I joined Canonical just over a year ago was conduct some user research. The idea was to identify some broad areas that needed to be addressed and so I devised sessions that included topics like dealing with music and photos, browsing the Internet, chatting with friends, etc. This initial set of participants had never used Ubuntu nor were they familiar with open...
Reasons to celebrate: 24th March 2010
Today is Ada Lovelace day. Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace was born on 10th December 1815, the only child of Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella. Born Augusta Ada Byron, but now known simply as Ada Lovelace, she wrote the world’s first computer programmes for the Analytical Engine, a general-purpose machine that Charles Babbage had invented. Saying it in Ada: while women /= men loop Ada...
Reasons to celebrate: 4th March 2010
My first year working for Canonical draws to a close with my team delivering a new identity for Ubuntu. I am very proud of the result and would like to thank them for all their hard work. I also want to thank Mark Shuttleworth and Jane Silber for setting out the challenge and for being part of the team. Ubuntu has a great engineering heritage. It is fast and efficient. Ubuntu gives the world an...