Reasons to celebrate: 4th March 2010


My first year working for Canonical draws to a close with my team delivering a new identity for Ubuntu.

I am very proud of the result and would like to thank them for all their hard work. I also want to thank Mark Shuttleworth and Jane Silber for setting out the challenge and for being part of the team.

Ubuntu has a great engineering heritage. It is fast and efficient. Ubuntu gives the world an excellent free and open-source operating system that helps many millions of people achieve their goals. This new identity gives Ubuntu an opportunity to stand up and be noticed. It gives all of us more to enjoy as we work and play.

If Ubuntu were a person it would be that person at the dinner party with great stories and a mind brimming with knowledge; the person you know will enjoy learning from. They know things you want to know, they do things you want to do; you want to be like them because they are amazing!

I am not going to wax lyrical on the meeting of form and function. Many others have written and spoken on that subject. This is a moment for celebration.

We have before us the very finest cloth. Let’s make sure our Ubuntu turns up to the dinner party in the coolest gear!

There is much to do.

About the author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at


  • When can I expect this to be added to the upstream gnome-themes package so that we can enjoy it on a Debian or Fedora machine?

  • Congrats to you and your team! The theme is beautiful and has a pinch of eccentric in it and I’ll be proud to show it to my friends and colleagues when Lucid arrives.

  • Hi Ivanka, i generally like the new theme, but I was hoping you could help explain the reasoning behind the placement of the min max close buttons.
    In my opinion its
    * aesthetically displeasing, unbalancing the windows, and cluttering up an already cluttered upper left corner (file menu, toolbar buttons)
    * user unfriendly. You can easly misclick those buttons, since they are so close to other clickable widgets. Its also different from every other GNOME-distro, Windows AND OSX out there. Going your own way is fine, but there must be a reason behind it?

  • The whole new brand and the color is OK but not the gtk theme… it just looks so ugly… Is that the default theme for Ubuntu 10.04? If yes so I’m not sure Ubuntu can compete the beauty of Mac OS (like Shuttleworth promised 2 years ago ) if the main theme itself looks so ugly like this… 🙁 Sorry

  • Cestitam na pokusanju poboljsanja Lucid izgleda/usability. Ali moram priznat da mi se dugmad ne bas svidaju i da ostanu na ljevoj strani bi bila velika greska. Zabrinut sam ako je ovo final design Lucida.

    Zamolio bi te da mi posaljes email na ovu adresu, da te nesto drugo upitam.


  • >Congratulations, you fucked up.

    I am taking this idiotic comment back. You (the canonical design team) didn’t screw up that much.

    Sure, Lucid Lynx doesn’t surpass what was promised to surpass, however it’s still way ahead of all the other Linux distributions. None come close to what Ubuntu can offer. Certainly no reason to get bastardly anonymous and whine and bitch in comment section of other people’s blogs who actally are getting things done, therefore I eagerly look forward to Meerkat, perhaps with even a little bit mind-blowing experience this time.

By Ivanka

About Author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at