Seriously though, why would anyone do this?


I tweeted (twittered? Will I never know?) a link to this article on how to run Ubuntu on a mac.

Within moments I got a direct tweet back from a former colleague who is a UX/Design person:

Seriously with OSx as good as it is… Why would anyone do this? I don’t get it.

Why run Ubuntu on a mac?

The article I linked to provides some suggestions but here are a few of my own:

  1. Because a basic Ubuntu install lets you do shed loads more than a basic Mac install. Ubuntu is not just an OS; it is a Linux distribution that comes with an enormous amount of free to share and use software.
  2. Because we would like to invite you to our party. Ubuntu is there for everyone to use. No exceptions.
  3. Because you want to help us make it better?

How about that for a start?

About the author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at


  • Because Mac hardware is great (and sexy too), and I don’t want to support or risk lock-in to software or services, or have my media clamped down with DRM?

  • As a learning experience? For some geek street cred?

    “Hey, want to test drive this off-road vehicle my friends and I put together in our spare time? Sometimes it rattles a bit but it’s free and new and exciting!”

    “Why would I want to do that when I already drive a Porcshe?”

  • Well, for one thing, with the cash you pay for a mac it would be nice to have a firewall that actually works without having to cough up some more dough (And you would not need to pay for every little bit of extra functionality). Still I would advice against it because Ubuntu can’t seem to run kde4 and stay stable, so you’ll be stuck with an interface that sucks as much as os9 or windows xp.

    Also, you’d never have to use finder, ever, again.

    I really like your comment form.

  • I consider myself a true devotee or perhaps a believer. Certainly I am an OS Agnostic.

    Many gadgets I have found and enjoyed.

    But as a lover I have to say the idea that installing Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro.

    Might rid me of thees Itunes.

    And lead me too…..

  • Yes, iTunes really does make me retch a little every time I see someone using it. I’m very thankful for my music setup!

    Really, though, I wouldn’t even consider buying a mac for the hardware because of the disgustingly high price. I’d only get it if I wanted the OS (which iDon’t).

By Ivanka

About Author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at