Saving the world


There I was looking at my email and wondering which of a few ideas floating around I should blog about and in what order when the Voice of BBC Long Melford insisted that I look up iCount. “Google it!”. So, I did.

I have already mentioned that the environment is one of the things I care about. I cycle, I put on an extra jumper, unplug my mobile phone charger, turn down radiators, turn off lights, walk when I can, recycle, give packaging back to the checkout girl IF I happen to shop in a supermarket…I live in a world where it is better that I do something than nothing but accept that it probably isn’t enough. I remain optimistic.

Back to iCount. I was sad to see that “We are 13,747 people and counting” – not many, is it? I signed up, sent a few emails to friends and then started looking at what is behind this iCount and came across Stop Climate Chaos. I was looking for a nice little banner or something I could put on this blog and eventually came across the volunteering link. Here I am invited to contact them if I want to help spread the word and email out the ‘toolkit’ to other sites. Now, this is not abnormal for charity and pressure group type sites. There is often a lack of funds which means less than usable sites. I have emailed them and asked for the material. I have previously emailed a charity site and offered my consultancy time for free but, wouldn’t it be nice if a few or us got together, chose a cause or a few and made things better for them?

Who’s in?

About the author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at


  • I looked, I signed up, but the invitation to spam people by email puts me off. Email does contribute to global warming, and not just my temperature when 99% of my mail is spam.

    I’ve decided I’m a post email person even if I get hundreds of work emails a day (thanks Jira ), I’d rather do as you did and talk to people 1:N rather than 1:1 x N.

By Ivanka

About Author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at