Tree hugging Standard Life


The Voice of BBC Long Melford has had some post. A letter from Standard Life telling him that his shares are doing well. Very nice.

They go on to tell him that they would like to communicate by email. Under the heading ” A responsible approach to business” they ask for an email address so they can save money and trees. For each new email they receive they will plant a new seedling through Trees for Life. Well done Standard Life.

I don’t mind that their main motivation is cash and that they use the promise of savings to encourage their shareholders to join in. I do care that they try.

We have the time and knowledge to act but only if we act internationally, strongly and urgently – Sir Nicholas Stern

I am sure this isn’t quite what Sir Nicholas Stern had in mind when he reported that global warming could reduce the global economy by 20% but taking action now would cost just 1% of global gross domestic product.

We are simple creatures really and the bottom line is something we can relate to.

In the meantime Standard Life has got the Voice’s email address and we look forward to receiving less paper from them.

About the author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at

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By Ivanka

About Author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at